Aftermath Submerged


Aftermath Submerged is a Virtual Reality based immersive art piece whereby the participant can experience first-hand the impact we are having on our Mauritian coral ecosystem. The aim of this interactive experience is to start conversations and discussions on the mitigative and adaptive solutions to safeguard our marine environment.

The VR experience attempts at engaging users in issues such as Climate Change, Ocean Plastics and agricultural runoffs, which lead to ocean warming, impacting the marine biosphere and coral bleaching. The issue of climate migration due to submerged coastal habitation also portrayed.

The proposed immersive artwork will thus allow participants to have a personal encounter among out coral ecosystem and see the damages being caused to them.

The 360 video below provides an immersive 2D experience of the virtual reality project. Use your mouse to explore the environment. And if using your smart device, rotate it around for an immersive experience.